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Developer Life

These Full Stack Developer Life career thoughts are based on the past 10+ years of experience in Software Development Industry.

Building Dreams in Bits and Bytes: Life through the Developer's Lens

These Full Stack Developer Life career thoughts are based on the past 10+ years of experience in Software Development Industry. We have gone through different stages in our careers starting from Software Trainee Developer till Solution Architect. We are not going to dictate any of the points, but all the practices listed here contributed a lot in our software development careers, so if you think they make some sense for you then try to adopt it. “

Here are some Coding Best Practices that developers should adopt:

What is Practice?

  • Practice is a Habit.
  • Practice does not need to remember.
  • Practice comes by practicing.
  • Practice needs lot of dedication and commitment.

To become a successful software developer, you need lot of practice, dedication and commitment

Do you read Software Source Code?

  • Only few software developers will have positive answer because reading and understanding an existing software source code is the most boring task. If you are one of them who feels reading software source code is a boring task, then you are missing one of the most important best practices, which a software developer should have in his/her life.
  • There are many attributes of software codes (indentation, comments, history header, function structure, etc.), which you will learn by reading existing code, specially, a code written by well- experienced software developers.

Adhere to established standards; avoid inventing new ones.

  • Most of the standard software organizations maintain their coding standards. These standards would have been set up by well-experienced software developers after spending years with software development. This is equivalent to following footsteps of great people left behind them.

SOLID Principles :

  • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
  • Open-Closed Principle (OCP)
  • Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
  • Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
  • Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

Career Planning:

Career Planning: Today's professional life is very dynamic and to move along with it we need a proper career planning. When you start your career as a software developer, you really do not know how exactly you will perform in the industry, though you have confidence that whatever you do, will be done in the best way

Code should be written to be review

While writing your software code, keep in mind that someone is going to review your code and you will have to face criticism about one or more of the following points but not limited to:

  • Not following standard.
  • History, Indentation, Comments are not appropriate.
  • Not keeping performance in mind.
  • Too much hard coding.
  • Repeated code

Testing to be followed like an Important thing

Testing is mandatory after every small or big change no matter how tight schedule you have or you just changed a small comment inside the code, you have testing due for the changed code

  • Tight schedule, no compromise
  • Changed just a comment, still you have to test it
  • Changed just a variable name, testing has to be done
  • If you feel lazy it's too dangerous.

Keep your Code & Documents Safe

A smart developer keeps habit of taking daily backup of the produced artifacts, otherwise machine crash can crash you as well. You should keep your artifacts at your local machine as well as another secure machine, so that in case of machine crash, you can continue with the saved copy of the source code or documents.

New technologies are coming everyday

If you want to sustain in the market, then you would have to keep yourself updated with latest IT tools, and technologies. Following are the few sources:

  • Technical Forums over the internet.
  • Technical magazines on various IT subjects
  • Technical Bulletin Boards
  • Conferences, Trainings and Workshops

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